Art and Nature from the artist´s hands to your heart.
I shall love a stone, kiss your heart (Antonio Lobo Antues)
We provide you with original drawings and paintings on paper by Fernando Vélez Castro, from his hands to your heart, from his studio directly to your home. In our shop, you will find beautiful landscapes, reminiscences of rocks, plants, geological shapes... petrified visual poems.
Visit if you want to know more of his artwork, and do not hesitate to tell me what you love.
The Artist's Wife
My name is Ana, I fell in love with a young painter, Fernando, in 1999. We met in the beautiful city of Granada, where I studied a BA in Sociology and Politics. In those years, the young painter lived in Berlin and he taught me to breath slowly, to stare slowly and to dance funky! After a few years apart, we met again, and he came to live in y hometown. Four years ago our son Pablo was born. Pablo sees rocks, rivers, trees, stars, lizards and grasshoppers in the paintings of his father.
Fernando is an artist, a big artist, a good man. He knows about art, about painting and drawing, about the meaning of the line and the shape on paper, on canvas.
He makes rocks, earth, forest, mineral and plant poems... take your time to look his paintings and drawings, they came from his hands, to your eyes, to your heart.
He teaches his son to look slowly the landscape, the sky, the water falling. He teacehs children to love art in his workshop. He doesn't know anything about projects, marketing, promoting and all this kind of stuff.....maybe he is out of the art system, but he is in the art, for this reason I think you shall love his artwork.
The Artist
Fernando Vélez Castro was born in Seville on May 11, 1973. He has painted for more than 20 years. With twenty-four years old he moved to Berlin, the city in which he lived for eight years absorbed in the practice and the study of painting.
His stay in Berlin enabled Fernando to come into contact with the trends in modern art, and he studied the work of artists such as Daniel Richter, Uwe Kowski, Neo Rauch, Cecily Brown and veterans as Per Kirkeby, Georg Baselitz, Gerhard Richter, among others.
At the same time, he researched Nordic and Central European painting tradition, focusing especially in those painters, mostly Germans, which had the nature and the different ways of approaching the landscape, as a cornerstone of their works.
The base that will support his work will be configured at this time. Motifs and structures of the memory of nature will be joining his pictorial and graphic activity, giving as a result, no a naturalistic representation of the landscape genre, just a renovation of this genre.
He has created his systems and codes, generating a language that tends to confront the "reality" of Nature, with the own autonomy of the artwork.
You can join Fernando on Facebook, where he releases his works and its creation process, and he shares news and personal opinions about contemporary art: